Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Traditional vs Airbrush

I want airbrush make-up on our wedding day. In fact, I'm willing to spend 14k for airbrush make-up! Silly me! One time, my mom and I are discussing about make-ups and she was really surprised to hear how expensive it is now. Finally, it came to my senses that I don't want/need to spend too much on something I will wash after a few hours. (For real? :))

This article will explain to you everything about traditional, airbrush and even mineral make-up. Reading this also enlightened me about something I heard before - airbrush make-up is better for those who have oily type of skin (the main reason why I want airbrush). Anyway, here's a sneak peek:

Airbrush Make-up:
"On the other hand, if it does become wet thru crying or sweating, you run the risk of it streaking. Imagine a dusty table, if you ran your finger across it, you could clearly see a line from the surface underneath, even if the colors are the same. And like a dusty table, once that line is there, you can do nothing to blend it back. The table must be wiped entirely clean. Same thing with airbrush makeup, if the makeup for any reason gets wet and leaves a streak, there is nothing than can be done to blend it." 

"And although, like its main competitor airbrush, it typically does rub off slightly or fade a little over the course of the day, it is highly bendable therefore anything can be fixed within seconds. It’s my personal belief, off the record, that this is the most versatile, therefore the best option, for wedding makeup. "

Here's a must read for bride's as torn as me! Read along, ladies! http://www.fairytalehairmakeup.com/Makeupcomparison.html

Thank you for this article I've already decided what I want on our big day :) 
P.S my fiance has a new job already! Thank God! We can now get back to our wedding preps.


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